NEICE currently has 11 reports to assist ICPC Coordinators in managing their work and overseeing the ICPC process:
- Finding Cases Needing Closure Report - This report provides a list of cases that were created prior to the date specified, but have no Transmittals after that date.
- Children Placed In-State and Out of State Report - This report provides a list of Children placed either in the state or in another state during the specified date range based on a selected agency or all agencies in that state.
- Children over the Age of Majority Report - This report provides a list of Children who are over the age of majority based on whether the state is Sending or Receiving and the Child’s Title IV-E Eligibility.
- Requests Sent to Agencies by Receiving State ICPC Central Office - This report provides a list of cases that were sent to an agency or all agencies within the Receiving State during the specified date range and provides the Home Study Decision.
- Missing Home Study Report - This report provides a list of cases created by an agency or all agencies within the Sending State during the specified date range but no 100A has been created.
- 100B Termination Statistics Report - This report provides a list of cases that have been terminated during a specified date range based on Date of Termination on the 100B.
- Violation Statistics Report - This report provides a list of cases where a state is in violation based on a specified date range and the role of either sending or receiving state in a case.
- State System - NEICE Comparison Report - This report provides a list of NEICE Children either not in the State System/SACWIS or with different data in the State System/SACWIS than in NEICE.
- ICWA Report - This report provides children and case statistics for an individual Participant State on how many AIAN children and cases are in NEICE and how many children and cases have children with ICWA Eligibility. This report also supplies case totals by Placement Type and Regulation Type.
- Home Studies Pending/Completed/Overdue Report - This report provides a list of Home Studies based on whether they are Pending, Completed, or Overdue during the specified date range. The user can specify: Sending or Receiving State; Pending, Completed, or Overdue only or All; and Regulation Type. The report provides:
- Home Studies Pending – All Home Studies open during the date range specified with the Home Study Decision status Pending.
- Home Study Decision Completed – All Home Studies who have a Home Study Decision Sent On Date within the date range specified.
- Home Study Overdue – All Home Studies that have no decision and have passed the due date based on the Regulation Type within the date range specified.
11. Monthly State Data Report - This report provides totals for the month and year selected based on the logged in user state data.
- Home Studies Request In**
- Home Studies Request Out**
- Placements In*
- Placements Out*
- Private Adoptions In
- Private Adoptions Out
- Residential Request In
- Residential Request Out
* - Number of children placed during reporting month.
** - Parent/Foster/Relative/Public Adoption