The NEICE team has developed a new functionality to assist NEICE-Participating Clearinghouse states in receiving documents from the NEICE states not yet live on NEICE but with signed MOUs in order to reduce the growing legacy case challenge. This partial receiving of documents functionality will work for ALL Clearinghouse states, without any IT development needed. 


Functionally, the NEICE Document Delivery Portal will do three things:

  • Allow our NEICE M/CMS partners to send and receive documents from the states who have committed to participating in the NEICE by signing the MOU but who are not yet live on the system. 
  • Allow our NEICE Clearinghouse partners to receive documents from the states who have committed to participating in the NEICE by signing the MOU but who are not yet live on the system. 
  • Similarly, it will allow the states committed to NEICE (by signing the MOU, but who are not yet live) to send and receive documents securely to the M/CMS states 


Use of this functionality does NOT meet the requirements of the Family First Act of 2018 to use an electronic case processing system for ICPC cases by 2027. This functionality is not available for states without a current signed NEICE MOU.

Two training videos are below. One is a short three min How to and the other is the longer orientation to the functionality and detailed walking through of the steps. 

Short 3 min training

Longer Orientation and training